
The Covid-Miner portal is based on a bioinformatic tool developed to analyze and rank SARS-CoV-2 variations, published on the Journal of Translational Medicine

Design of a Companion Bioinformatic Tool to detect the emergence and geographical distribution of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein genetic variants
Alice Massacci, Eleonora Sperandio, Lorenzo D'Ambrosio, Mariano Maffei, Fabio Palombo, Luigi Aurisicchio, Gennaro Ciliberto, Matteo Pallocca

The source code of the workflow is publicly available on gitlab

We would like to thank the GISAID Initiative and are grateful to all of the data contributors, i.e. the Authors, the Originating laboratories responsible for obtaining the specimens, and the Submitting laboratories for generating the genetic sequence and metadata and sharing via the GISAID Initiative, on which this research is based.

Elbe, S., and Buckland-Merrett, G. (2017) Data, disease and diplomacy: GISAID’s innovative contribution to global health. Global Challenges, 1:33-46.
DOI: 10.1002/gch2.1018 PMCID: 31565258

Note: When using results from these analyses in your manuscript, ensure that you also acknowledge the Contributors of data, i.e.
"We gratefully acknowledge all the Authors, the Originating laboratories responsible for obtaining the specimens, and the Submitting laboratories for generating the genetic sequence and metadata and sharing via the GISAID Initiative, on which this research is based."

Also, cite the following reference:
Shu, Y., McCauley, J. (2017) GISAID: From vision to reality. EuroSurveillance, 22(13)
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.13.30494 PMCID: PMC5388101